Hail Secret Warriors!

Welcome to the mile-a-minute, swordclashing, butt-kicking, Uzi-spraying, boats-exploding, car-chasing, monsterbashing, insert-your-own-cool-hyphenated-adjective-here world of Shadowfist!

Shadowfist is a Dynamic Card Game based loosely on action movies from the studios in Hong Kong with a splash of Hollywood for spice. The cards represent people, places, and things involved in the Secret War, vying for control of the world’s Feng Shui Sites, mystical places of Power that guarantee victory and prosperity for those who control them. Shadowfist requires three or four players, each with their own customized deck of cards. The first player to achieve five Feng Shui Sites wins the game! You must seize or burn for victory your fifth Site in order to win.

Should you find any problems or have any suggestions, feel free to send us an email to vetustagames@gmail.com

Action Pack 3 Available For Sale

Hail Secret Warriors! The new Action Pack 3 will have a promotional price of 10$ on Action Pack 3 Drivethrucards...
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Hail Secret Warriors! We are moving on to the next phase of our long term project and we are looking...
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Cease & Desist to Secretwarsociety.com

In the name of Vetusta Games S.L., proprietor of the Shadowfist© license, we want to inform everybody that: We do...
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After the Kickstarter campaign…

After a small break after the Kickstarter campaign and coincident with the holiday season, the staff of Vetusta Games has...
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5, 4, 3… Action!

Post-Essen Thoughts and… 5… 4… 3… … … ACTION!!! Hail Secret Warriors! 👊👊 After a very intense time during the...
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Hail Secret Warriors!👊👊   We want to announce that Shadowfist will be back at Essen Spiel 2022. From 6th to...
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The Future of Shadowfist

Hail Secret Warriors! The crew at Vetusta Games wants to express their appreciation for your continuous support and all your...
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Learning to play Shadowfist – Team Covenant

A nice video from Team Covenant (Facebook: https://facebook.com/teamcovenant Twitter: https://twitter.com/teamcovenant Instagram: https://instagram.com/teamcovenant ) Thank you, guys!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2AJ9qCE2rE&t=84s
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Updating the events

Check the tournaments page to see the upcoming championships, meetings, and so on. If you are a tournament organiser, or...
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